• Proud to be part of DEALT

Kingsdown & Ringwould Church of England Primary School

Pupil Premium

Our school receives some additional funding which is dependant of a variety of factors for individual children. This funding is carefully planned for and is used to enhance the learning and experiences of children within our school.

The progress of all children is monitored by the Senior Leadership Team, year group staff and governors during pupil progress meetings. At these meetings, with the year group teaching team, the progress of every child is recorded and discussed. Further intervention strategies are considered and the effectiveness of the use of Pupil Premium money is evaluated.

We are all accountable for the progress of every child and our Governors are well aware of their responsibilities. Ofsted inspections now take into account how Pupil Premium money is spent and the impact of that expenditure on the academic outcomes of each eligible child. 

See the documents below for a more detailed account of how the money has been spent and the impact it has had on our children.

Please view the attachment below for more information regarding Pupil Premium.

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023
