• Proud to be part of DEALT

Kingsdown & Ringwould Church of England Primary School

Social Justice

Here at Kingsdown and Ringwould CEP School, we teach our children about our responsibilities as a Church of England school in the community and our impact on others on a local, national and global level. The school provides a wealth of meaningful opportunities for pupils to reflect on their responsibilities and offers opportunities for them to take action.  On this page, we share some examples of the work we have been doing to help others, both in and out of school.

Year 5 Charity Christmas Fayre Stalls December 2023

In December, Year 5 ran stalls at the Christmas fayre, taking responsibility for planning, managing, giving prizes, handling money etc. Their task was to raise as much money as possible for the RNLI. The managed to raise an incredible £600. Well done Year 5!

Year 2 Reverse Advent December 2023

The Year 2 Pandas counted down to Christmas with a 'reverse advent calendar'. Rather than receiving something for each day of advent, the Year 2 parents kindly donated items of food for the local foodbank. Each day, the children unwrapped a package of food and got it ready to be taken to the Deal Area Foodbank, for people in need. Thank you to the Year 2 parents for your generous donations.

Year 4 Charity Film Night December 2023

Year 4 ran a film night for the rest of the school, raising money for the school's charity for the year, the RNLI. They managed to raise a whopping £350. Well done Year 4!






Year 1 Trip to Glendale Lodge November 2023

Year 1 had a lovely afternoon at Glendale Lodge with the spirituality team, singing Christmas songs to the residents there. The children also took artwork to give to the residents. Thank you Glendale Lodge for having us!

Love in a Box November 2023

Our school community once again collected shoeboxes full of toys and gifts for children in need around the world. Love in a Box is an annual project for our school and we thank our parents for their continuous support of this worthy cause.

Harvest Festival October 2023








We have an annual Harvest Festival service and each class has an active role in the service. Our community always gives generously and we give food parcels to Deal Foodbank and United Families. Thank you to everyone who donated!

Raising Money for the RNLI

On Friday 6th October, we dressed in red and yellow to raise money for the RNLI. We think we have raised over £220, which is absolutely fantastic. Cadence and Emily, our charity monitors, say a huge THANK YOU! James, Dan and Nicola, RNLI volunteers, came to visit us during assembly, telling us more about the work they do and the impact our fundraising will have.

Local Litter Picking

As a small seaside village school, we aspire to make a difference to our local community.  On Earth Day, we launched our new litter picking kits.  These can be borrowed from the school so that families can help to remove litter from our surrounding villages and beaches.  Just speak to a member of staff to borrow and use after school or over the weekends. 

Black and Yellow Day for Dogs TrustDogs Trust - Wikipedia

On Friday 18th November, the school dressed in black and yellow to raise funds for our school charity this year, Dogs Trust.  It was amazing to see the whole school pull together to raise a whopping £185. A huge thank you to everyone! 


