A Church of England School
Our Christian Vision and Values
At the heart of our seaside village community, our school celebrates and values the God-given skills and talents of each person, by providing a nurturing environment that promotes deep thinking and curious minds. We strive to raise the aspirations of all, by creating independent and resilient learners, who make an individual and collective difference to our local and global environments.
The story of ‘The Paralysed Man’ provides us with the basis of our school’s Christian vision and values. The teaching of Jesus shows the whole school community how we can live out our school Bible verse, our vision and our values in all that we do each day in our work and our play.
Our Christian Values are:
- We demonstrate forgiveness to each other, following the examples of Jesus.
- We have hope and aspirations for ourselves and others to develop into valuable individuals, making positive contributions to our local and global communities.
- We pride ourselves in showing interdependence, working together to ensure well-being and harmony in our school community.
- We trust one another, creating relationships built on honesty and reliability.
- We show humility by being listened to and taking help from others. We are empathetic and sympathetic to the experiences of others.
Collective Worship
We follow Canterbury Diocese Fresh Approach to Collective Worship plans. It is a new 3-year overview for Collective Worship planning that can be adopted and tweaked by schools. It follows the Church calendar and provides topics for each term that go chronologically through the Bible. Here is our Collective Worship timetable:
Our Spirituality Team
Every year, children in Years 5 and 6 are invited to join the Spirituality Team, led by Miss Fry. The team meet regularly to plan Prayer Days at St John’s Church in Kingsdown and Collective Worship to lead.
They have many roles including leading children in the gathering, prayer and sending in Collective Worship. They take an active part in many Collective Worship sessions run by staff members and visitors as well as lead the Celebration Worship on Fridays. They also monitor the environment around the school and check that our reflection areas are up to their high standards. They then make sure that their suggestions to develop Collective Worship are put in place. The children are also excellent role models at playtime and lunchtime, showing children how to follow the school’s Christian Vision and Values. To learn more, click here.
The Church
As a Church School, we aim to work extremely closely with our parish of St John the Evangelist, who are involved in our worship and governance and are a resource for religious education and pastoral care.
Our classes at Kingsdown & Ringwould CEP school visit St John’s Church as part of our special prayer days, such as Harvest, Christmas, Easter and Leaver’s Service, and during our RE teaching about Christianity.
Rev’d Canon Seth Cooper who leads Walmer parish and the Cornilo churches is always happy to chat with any child, member of staff or parent should they find that helpful, offering spiritual, emotional or pastoral support. The church website is here:
SIAMS reports
The new SIAMS Evaluation Schedule came into operation in September 2023.
The 2023 SIAMS Framework does not reimagine what it means to be a Church school but the approach taken by SIAMS inspectors will be slightly different from before. Instead of focusing on lists of inspection criteria, inspectors will explore with school leaders whether and how, through its theologically rooted Christian vision the school is living up to its foundation as a Church school, enabling people to flourish. High level Inspection Questions (IQs) will provide a structure within which this can be done. There are six IQs for (former) voluntary controlled schools.
IQ1 How does the school’s theologically rooted Christian vision enable pupils and adults to flourish?
IQ2 How does the curriculum reflect the school’s theologically rooted Christian vision?
IQ3 How is collective worship enabling pupils and adults to flourish spiritually?
IQ4 How does the theologically rooted Christian vision create a culture in which pupils and adults are treated well?
IQ5 How does the theologically rooted Christian vision create an active culture of justice and responsibility?
IQ6 Is the religious education curriculum effective (with reference to the expectations set out in the Church of England’s Statement of Entitlement for Religious Education)?
IQ7 What is the quality of religious education in (former) voluntary aided schools, or in former voluntary controlled schools in which denominational religious education is taught?
Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS)
Kingsdown & Ringwould CEP School had its last SIAMS inspection in January 2024. Please find our report below.
SIAMS Report Kingsdown and Ringwould CE Primary School 2024